The Houdini of Boggo Road: The Life and Escapades of 'Slim' Halliday
2020 / Christopher Dawson / 48 pages / illustrations, endnotes and bibliography / RRP $6.00
Two Division: Boggo Road's Last Prison
2020 / Christopher Dawson / 64 pages / illustrations and bibliography / RRP $8.00
Intemperance & the Train of Evils: A Life on the Wrong Side of the Tracks in Colonial Brisbane
2020 / Christopher Dawson / 72 pages / illustrations and endnotes / RRP $9.00
Shivs, Bongs & Boob Guns: Made in a Queensland prison cell
2010 / Christopher Dawson / 60 pages / illustrations and endnotes / RRP $8.00 (Inside History edition)
Illustrated Dictionary of Prison Language, Slang & Flash
2007/Christopher Dawson / 56 pages / illustrations and bibliography / RRP $7.00 (Inside History edition)
That Gingerbread Structure: The Queen Street gaol (available soon)
2020 / Christopher Dawson / 64 pages / illustrations and endnotes / RRP $8.00