Illustrated Dictionary of Prison Language, Slang and Flash

(Inside History edition)

Do you know what a ‘boob gun’ is? How about 'burgoo’, ‘chocolate frog’, ‘peter thief’ or ‘shiv’? This illustrated dictionary introduces the reader to the language of the Australian prison world. The slang, jargon and official terminology described in these pages was used in the various gaols at Boggo Road, Brisbane. Features over 600 words from 19th and 20th century prisons, and the 'flash' language of the Australian convict era.

Christopher Dawson (2007)
56 pages with illustrations and bibliography
Only $7.00
ISBN: 978-0-9757441-8-5

Head louse, known as a 'boobie' in the 19th century, giving prisons
the slang name of 'boob hatches'.

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